Tuesday, March 12, 2013

YouTube, Pants, Ice Cream

I kind of just made my first YouTube video (click here)... it's really very random and for some reason I'm speaking in a British accent which I guess would be cool if I was from England or at least acted like I was but I say I'm from Texas at the beginning so I kind of ruined it but enough of my rambling you should check it out.. I would post it here but I was stupid and put it under a different email address and I don't even know if that matters but I can't figure out how to get it on here so you're just going to have to click the link thingy...

On another note I'm in head over heels in love with my new pants! However I've already managed to get paint all over them :/. (& although it looks like a big pee spot on the floor it's really just a paint water stain...)

And on a completely different note- I finally painted my ice cream cone and I used watercolor suffice to say I think my water color skills might still need some work but I'm still happy how it turned out.

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