Thursday, December 5, 2013


So if you haven't figured it out already, I'm a huge child on the inside... Maybe it's because I'm 17 and I know I only have six months until I'm officially considered an adult but I'm pretty much cramming all the childness I can in my life before I'm officially not a child anymore.
So this morning I went to Dollar General and purchased bubbles for me and my best friend. I like bubbles. So when I found out that bubbles freeze if it's below freezing I kind of freaked out. Since I live in Texas it doesn't get to 32 degrees very often. So I compromised and blew them in my freezer. However, today it was 28 degrees so I ran to DG (well actually I drove) and as you can tell I went bubble crazy... Yes I'm aware that I look like a total freak...

Monday, December 2, 2013


Soo Thanksgiving was interesting. It was filled with Hide & Seek, wheel chair races, paintings, bunnies, marriage proposals, and drama drama drama

I also had to make a video for English class...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I am without a doubt a hardcore dreamer
I won’t smear the truth with sparkles
I sit each day in front of frosty white windows
Dreaming of adventures and happy endings

I want my world to be filled with
Indian Elephants and Siberian Tigers
I want my atmosphere to be crammed with
Hot air balloons and Monarch Butterflies

I want to marvel at anything and everything that breathes
I want to be exposed to the wind outside my own mind
I want to feel it rush down my spine; spreading chill bumps down my skin

I hunger for a life stocked with wonder
I thirst for knowledge past the realm of sanity
I yearn for adventures that exist only in fairytales

Maybe I’m a child siting in the circus
Unaware of the darkness that is wrapped around the earth

Life isn’t a spinning orb of laughter
An unrelenting fog drenches the sky
Monsters dwell in the darkness
Blowing black bubbles of sadness to my heart

They breathe doubts in my head
I’m not good enough
I’m a coward
I’m different

I plug my ears
I reach for the stars
But in the end
This cage keeps me from flying

The monsters reach for my heart
They pick at my scars and open new wounds
I shut my eyes and cling to the hope I have left
Refusing to give into reality

I repeat to myself over and over again
Someday, someday, someday
Someday I’ll find the key to my cage
Someday I’ll fly away

Monday, November 18, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013


So I haven't been on here in literally forever so I'll just give you a recap of the past 7 months of my life... here we go- urmm My sister graduated so I moved into her room, I turned 17, got my driver's license, got a job, then it closed down like a month later so I lost a job, dyed my hair blonde, got a bright orange record player (!!!), and made it to state in band (base drum)! and that's pretty much the extent of what's been happening. And as you can see I was the Tardis for Halloween yesterday...

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Hardcore Dreamer

Finished it! My goal from now on is to complete one painting a week and then maybe during the summer time I'll increase it to two.
If you want to see more of my art click here

Friday, April 12, 2013

New & Improved Rainbow Lion

So I decided I wasn't happy with the "lion" I painted before and now that I look back at it I can't believe I was ever happy with it to begin with. However, I was told that this poor lion's eyes are too far up but I worked too hard on it to start over with its eyes... it's at least a whole lot better now than it was before... I'm almost done with another painting that I can't wait to share it's turning out pretty wicked and I'm trying hard not to pee from excitement!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Rainbow Lion

I finally finished my lion painting. I'm pretty pleased at how it turned out... now I need to start on my paintings that have deadlines attached to them...

Thrift Shopping Finds

I found this adorbs purse it was originally $25 but the lady ended up selling it to me for $10! Originally it had this really ugly small strap for a handle but I cut it off and replaced it with two necklace chains connected together. I love love love it.
        I also found these green army type pants and a Chinese Karate jacket it's wicked awesome but just a little more than a tad bit too big; which lowers its awesome level. 
 I am in desperate need of a job and I just thought of the most fantastical idea- to work at a thrift shop! Only problem is I would have to wait until the summer because of the three thrift shops in my sorry ass town the latest it stays open is five :/. Another problem is since they are measly little thrift shops they don't pull in that much money especially with their hours so they might not be able to support another employee. However, it would suit me more than working at Subway or Dairy Queen.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


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I fed a giraffe!

Although this wasn't on my bucket list... it should have been! I wanted to pet the crap out of the thing but I was afraid that lady over there would have liked smacked me or something... Isn't he cute? I love love love quirky different animals and I am strongly thinking about becoming a zoo person but I'm not entirely sure I believe in zoos so maybe a Safari person...
I wish so bad that this was a real elephant

The fam and I (minus two)... yes the tiger is part of our family.

Just me in my awesome pants on top of a van. 
This elephant will one day be mine... well not this exact elephant but an elephant nonetheless.

I milked a cow!

I can now cross number 32 off my bucket list. 

It wasn’t exactly how I imagined it would be, milking a cow, and it was quite difficult. After I finally kind of got the hang of it my hand started getting really sore. So if you’re a cow milker I drop my hypothetical hat to you. I have yet to try the milk that I collected but I’m told it tastes the same if not better than regular milk. However, I was woken up at 5 something in the morning to retrieve the cream from the top of said milk and apparently I’m supposed to shake that until it turns to butter and all this other junk. Anywho I will say that even though I’m not too good at milking cows I can see a cow in my future. Milk is expensive and it’s always super annoying to wake up in the morning to an empty jug of milk… plus cows are fun!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

YouTube, Pants, Ice Cream

I kind of just made my first YouTube video (click here)... it's really very random and for some reason I'm speaking in a British accent which I guess would be cool if I was from England or at least acted like I was but I say I'm from Texas at the beginning so I kind of ruined it but enough of my rambling you should check it out.. I would post it here but I was stupid and put it under a different email address and I don't even know if that matters but I can't figure out how to get it on here so you're just going to have to click the link thingy...

On another note I'm in head over heels in love with my new pants! However I've already managed to get paint all over them :/. (& although it looks like a big pee spot on the floor it's really just a paint water stain...)

And on a completely different note- I finally painted my ice cream cone and I used watercolor suffice to say I think my water color skills might still need some work but I'm still happy how it turned out.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wicked Awesome Somewhat Boring Day

Yesterday I went to an art group thingy here in town. It was mostly filled with oldish weird people but I got an awesome artist friend to go with me which was good because it would have been WAYYY more awkward if it was just me. I wasn't sure what to expect.. I had zero expectations. I'm still not entirely sure what it is were supposed to do but we all brought some of art. I haven't really ever shown my art to another artist other than my wicked awesome friend but I got some good feedback. Anyway were supposed to meet again next month with a new painting or whatever. The theme is Ferocious animals which naturally I came up with. And we might get some kind of gallery thing to display all of art to get people inspired and what not. We still have to find a building which shouldn't be too hard considering half the buildings in this sorry town are run down and empty. I guess it's kind of nice to be apart of something even though I do feel way out of place. I'm so awkwardly shy but I think this will be good for me. It is kind of exciting to think that my art might see the light outside my bedroom windows. And I'll get to learn from all these great artists that are way more experienced than I and have been doing it for way longer. I guess it is kind of strange that I only started doing art last year. I was a terribly drawer up until now but I've always loved art and the idea of creating something that's never been done before.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Passionate Endeavors

I am extremely passionate about art. I could talk about it for hours. However my school doesn't offer any kind of art programs. So I am forced to teach myself. I started at the beginning of my Freshman year so I guess I've been working at it for almost two years. I have greatly improved but there's so much I have left to learn. Last week I toured the art building in Harding (a college in Arkansas) and I was filled with passionate inspiration. This world is filled with so many amazing talented artists and it's so hard to think I'll ever become anything spectacular but I can't see myself doing anything else in life. Art is the only thing I'm a tad bit good at. When I paint I am filled with an unrecognizable energy that fills me up inside and makes me believe I can do anything but when I put my paintbrush down and take a step back from the canvas I can't help but think this is all I will ever be; a girl with a gallery in her room with paintings that never see the light of day.

Monday, February 25, 2013

I am Hungry

I'm so doing this.

When I'm hungry and I'm stuck in school this is what I do- type chocolate in a search engine and pretend that I'm eating everything I see... yes in a way I am a lot like the Lost Boys from Peter Pan. It's almost just as satisfying as eating it... well not really but it's better than nothing!  YUUUMMM

Friday, February 22, 2013

Cellos, Paint, Pants & Mannequins

Things I am currently in want of :

A cello- life would be filled with so much awesome. Although I haven’t the slightest idea how to play… :/

White paint- as an “artist” I can never have too much white paint and I’ve just squeezed the last bit onto whatever that thing that you put paint on (a pallet?)

Black leggings- I am in great want of galaxy leggings but alas I can’t afford them… so the only solution is to either make my own or sell the majority of my belongings

Drawing mannequin thingy- so I can learn how to draw people proportionally correct

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Quote of the day

Lora Zombie

Lora Zombie is an AMAZING artist. Though she makes all my art look like childish rubbish she makes me want to try harder so that I might become half as good as her. She is a huge inspiration to me. If you want to see more of her art you can click here.


We like umbrellas...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Getting There (Sylvia Plath)

How far is it? 
How far is it now?
The gigantic gorilla interior
Of the wheels move, they appall me --- 
The terrible brains 
Of Krupp, black muzzles 
Revolving, the sound
Punching out Absence! Like cannon. 
It is Russia I have to get across, it is some was or other. 
I am dragging my body 
Quietly through the straw of the boxcars. 
Now is the time for bribery. 
What do wheels eat, these wheels 
Fixed to their arcs like gods, 
The silver leash of the will ----
Inexorable. And their pride! 
All the gods know destinations. 
I am a letter in this slot! 
I fly to a name, two eyes. 
Will there be fire, will there be bread? 
Here there is such mud. 
It is a trainstop, the nurses 
Undergoing the faucet water, its veils, veils in a nunnery, 
Touching their wounded, 
The men the blood still pumps forward, 
Legs, arms piled outside 
The tent of unending cries ---- 
A hospital of dolls. 
And the men, what is left of the men 
Pumped ahead by these pistons, this blood Into the next mile, 
The next hour ---- 
Dynasty of broken arrows!

Read the rest of the poem here
And to read more of Sylvia Plath's amazing poems click here  

Monday, January 7, 2013

Chocolate Chocolate Chip Pancakes!

I was craving hop's chocolate chip pancakes so I decided to make my own. I added about a tablespoon of dark chocolate cocoa powder to the pancake mix, I used Bisquick but you can use whatever pancake mix you want. It wasn't as chocolaty as I wanted so I melted about a half a cup of chocolate chips and poured about a third of it in the batter. Then I used the rest of the chocolate to drizzle over the already cooking pancakes and then I dotted it with chocolate chips. Finally, when it finished cooking, I added some syrup and ate away the taste of  heaven.

Just Pandas

I hope your day was Freaking Awesome! :{D

Quote of the Day

"Fairy Tales are more than true; not because
 they tell us that dragons exist, but because 
they tell us that dragons can be beaten."
-G.K. Chesterton